This ReadMe is for use with ESRI Knowledge Base article 21727. A modified arcims_jspbeans.jar file can be obtained from the Related Information section of that article, at The steps for creating a new arcims_jspbeans.jar file are given below: 1. Open file in a text editor from /Samples/Java_JSP/Source/com/esri/mapbeans folder. 2. Change setLayerInfo31 function as follows: public void setLayerInfo31(String AXL){ searchLayerAXL = AXL; int count = 0; int pos = 0; pos = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("LAYERINFO"); int endpos = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("") + 13; while (pos > -1){ int beginType = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("type") + 6; int endType = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("\"",beginType) ; String lType=searchLayerAXL.substring(beginType,endType); layerType.add(count,searchLayerAXL.substring(beginType, endType)); if(lType.equals("featureclass")){ int beginVisible = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("visible") + 9; int endVisible = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("\"",beginVisible); layerVisible.add(count, searchLayerAXL.substring(beginVisible, endVisible)); int beginLayerName = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("name") + 6; int endLayerName = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("\"",beginLayerName); layerName.add(count, searchLayerAXL.substring(beginLayerName, endLayerName)); int beginLayerID = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("id") + 4; int endLID = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("\"",beginLayerID) ; layerID.add(count, searchLayerAXL.substring(beginLayerID, endLID)); int beginLayerFClass = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("") + 13; int searchLayerAXLend = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("") + 14; searchLayerAXL = searchLayerAXL.substring(searchLayerAXLstart, searchLayerAXLend); pos = searchLayerAXL.indexOf("LAYERINFO"); count = count + 1; } layerCount = String.valueOf(count); } 3. Open Command Prompt and go to /Samples/Java_JSP/Source. Type this command to compile file : javac com/esri/mapbeans/ . Similarly compile and . (Note: arcims_appserverlink.jar should be in the classpath to compile these Java files. ) 4. After successful compilation, create the jar file with this command in the command prompt: jar -cvf arcims_jspbeans.jar com/esri/mapbeans/*.class 5. Replace the original jar file with this one. (Note: Renaming the old jar file and placing this new file may not work. Make sure original file is removed from the directory.)