Issues addressed with ArcSDE 10 Service Pack 3
- NIM064673 - When running sde command line tools on Linux UTF8 locale, if the feature or table name is non-English an "U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR" error is returned.
- NIM068355 - Failed to upgrade ArcSDE Version 9.3 to Version 10 SP2 although the prerequisite check passed.
DB2 and Informix Specific
- NIM065926 - DB2 and Informix: Deleted feature reappears when two editors are simultaneously editing a feature class registered with the option to move edits to base.
- NIM068569 - DB2 and Informix: Using split and merge tools in concurrent edit sessions in ArcGIS with move to base editing causes data inconsistencies.
Non-Database Specific Server
- NIM065368 - When creating a geodatabase and the gdb_items table create the DEFAULT historical marker.
- NIM067975 - GARS and GEOREF functions are not handling all cases correctly.
- NIM069038 - Projecting to Transverse Mercator is much slower in ArcGIS 10 than earlier versions.
- NIM070191 - ArcSDE Java API: Converting from double stereographic to geographic coordinates returns incorrect values.
Oracle General
- NIM062533 - Using IDIfferenceCursor in the loop is crashing the Engine application.
- NIM065101 Oracle has a new constraint on SDO_DIMNAME, which causes current register sdo_geometry feature classes as versioned operation to fail. Please see technical article 38713 for more details.
- NIM067787 - Some places in the Oracle stored procedures are treating Version names as case-insensitive, but version names should always be case-sensitive.
- NIM068639 - Using Oracle expdp (data pump) to export ArcSDE schema will generate an error about the st_spatial_index on gdb_items table using a German OS, when there is at least one feature class stored with ST_GEOMETRY data type.
Oracle Spatial
Oracle ST_Geometry
PostgreSQL Specific
SQL Server Specific
Issues addressed with ArcSDE 10 Service Pack 2
- NIM062082 - The Chinese code page is being read incorrectly by ArcSDE on a 64-bit RedHat Linux OS, which causes problems such as sdemon failing to start the service.
- NIM064994 - Loading or querying certain Chinese characters in a UTF8 environment on Linux results in SES_iconv_open and U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING errors.
- NIM065455 - Upgrade fails when creating GDB_ITEMS table due to unexpected WGS_1984 entry in ArcSDE spatial reference table.
DB2 and Informix Specific
- NIM062876 - <DB2 ONLY> Dataloading at 10.0 is slower than 9.3.
- NIM063991 - <z/OS> Creation of a global temporary table during a gdbrepair operation will fail with error - SQL0199N 'The use of the reserved word "WITH" following "" is not valid'.
- NIM063997 - <DB2- 10.0 Final to 10.SP(x) ONLY> Upgrade from 10.0 Final to 10.0 Service pack will hang in ArcCatalog when trying to recreate a stored procedure that is in use - 'sde_release_proc'.
- NIM064059 - <z/OS> When attempting to create a query layer with data in a DB2 z/OS database, an SE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET error is returned.
Non-Database Specific Server
- NIM059641 - [Unix/Linux] Unable to display map services using map documents that use SDE data sources on RHEL5 x64 under the zh_CH locale.
- NIM062679 - sdesetup -o install fails on AIX with Oracle 11gR2 Standard Edition.
- NIM061828 - Support Lambert conformal conic definitions that have only latitude of origin and scale factor parameters (no standard parallel values).
- NIM063503 - Transverse Mercator inverse (from xy to lat/lon) can hang when converting points that are outside the projection's area of use.
- NIM060955 - Provide the ability to directly edit a multi-versioned view in the DEFAULT version.
Oracle General
- NIM059541 - Select By Attributes does not return records with values containing a question mark preceded by a space within Oracle geodatabases.
- NIM059748 - Add CARDINALITY hint to SELECT statements using the TABLE (CAST (:numtab AS SDE.sdenumtab)) subquery to improve performance of queries
- NIM061091 - Certain SQL query involving st_intersect uses much more memory and is much slower after ArcSDE 9.3.1 Service Pack 2 is applied.
- NIM062511 - Using Oracle expdp to export sde schema will generate an error about st_spatial_index on gdb_items table if the database NLS settings are set to GERMAN and OS regional settings are also GERMAN and there is at least one feature classes stored with ST_GEOMETRY data type.
- NIM062529 - Display issue with line feature classes within feature dataset after using migrate storage tool.
- NIM062678 - ST_INTERSECTS query produces ORA-29903: error in executing ODCIIndexFetch() routine
- NIM062949 - Unique constraint violation encountered when editing a multi-version view in the DEFAULT version.
- NIM063612 - Grant privileges to second user by owner on MV view to edit failed with error ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for 'SDE.STATE_LINEAGES'.
- NIM063617 - Query against a multi-version view on a named version or on a user-schema geodatabase default version returns an incorrect result.
Oracle Spatial
Oracle ST_Geometry
- NIM062540 - Cannot rebuild ST_Geometry spatial index in SQL when nls_numeric_characters is set to ',.' as is the case for some European language NLS settings.
PostgreSQL Specific
- NIM063770 - Performance of copy/paste operation is impacted due to a unnecessary drop and re-creation of a spatial index.
- NIM064006 - Postgres: Unable to upgrade with 'sdesetup -o upgrade' and with upgrade python script on linux 32-bit.
SQL Server Specific
- NIM062965 - ArcMap fails when doing concurrency editing between mv_views and and an ArcMap session.
- NIM063120 - "Failed to paste shape or row not found" error when using ArcCatalog to copy and paste a feature class into ArcSDE for SQL Server if the SQL Server "no count" connection parameter is set to ON.
Issues addressed with ArcSDE 10 Service Pack 1
- NIM058306 - sdesetup prerequisite check should check permissions on the DBMS_PIPE, DBMS_LOCK, DBMS_UTILITY, DBMS_SQL, and UTL_RAW packages
- NIM058395 - sdemon o kill i port: fails with an invalid dba password.
- NIM059966 - SDE gsrvr process leaks memory when performing overlay operation with ArcGIS geoprocessing tools.
DB2 and Informix Specific
- NIM057144 - <DB2> - Implement INLINE LENGTH functionality as a DBTUNE parameter to allow larger in-line storage for spatial columns, which improves spatial query performance.
- NIM057521 - Post failed with error "The current version does not support editing (base, consistent, or closed)".
- NIM059277 - <z/OS>Deleting a raster column results in error - SQL0615N The object "" of type "" cannot be dropped because it is currently in use.
- NIM059633 - Unable to delete raster attribute from a feature class in DB2/Informix.
- NIM059870 - <DB2> Revoking privileges on a raster dataset is failing with error - "SQL0104N An unexpected token" even though the privilege has actually been revoked.
Non-Database Specific Server
- NIM056548 - New projections have been added. These include Korea 2000 West, Central, East, East Sea Belts and Unified Coordinate System as well as the Korean 1985 Unified Coordinate System and modified West, Central, Central Jeju, East, and East Sea Belts.
- NIM057072 - Add 4 German coordinate systems: ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 32N 7Stellen.prj, ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 32N 8Stellen.prj, ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 33N 7Stellen.prj, and ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 33N 8Stellen.prj.
- NIM057938 - Belge_1972_To_WGS_1984_3 has an incorrect target geographic coordinate system.
- NIM058570 - Reconciling geometric networks in an ArcSDE geodatabase on an Oracle RAC instance can lead to a number of different errors due to an error in the STATECACHE.
- NIM058571 - Creating and deleting feature in the same edit operation is not finding and deleting corresponding spatial index rows for the feature.
- NIM059968 - SDE SG library could fail with -139 The specified coordinate exceeds the valid coordinate range error when projecting certain shapes.
- NIM059969 - SDE SG library could incorrectly project a multipart shape into a single part shape.
- NIM060138 - When attempting to connect to an SDE geodatabase a "Failed to connect to database. DBMS table not found" error is returned if the STATUS prop_name is missing from the sde server_config table.
- NIM060236 - Add a modified HARN projected coordinate system (specific to the Bellevue, Washington area) to the projection engine.
- NIM060357 - pe_factory_gtlist_extended, which returns a list of appropriate geographic transformations returns multiple entries for 2 step tranformations. Of the two entries, one has the order of geographic transformations reversed and is incorrect.
Oracle General
- NIM031995 - Session log file tables are not dropped when user disconnects from the geodatabase.
- NIM042671 - A spatial index is not created on the ST_GEOMETRY column of a feature class loaded into a 4K block size tablespace in an Oracle database. The Feature class remains in load-only I/O mode.
- NIM047156 - Enhance the sde error log to return a better error message as to why the query of a table fails when ATTRBUFSIZE parameter appears to be too small for some unicode table definitions.
- NIM058031 - Synchronization for 2-way replica failed with error ORA-00001: unique constraint (LOCAL.A18_PK) violated.
- NIM058199 - If sde.version_user_ddl.edit_version('t1',1) call errors out due to lock conflict, it will issue a commit which can affect other pending transactions.
- NIM058205 - 10.0 SP1 ONLY - WINDOWS - Build and provide a 9.2 oracle11g all-in-one driver to allow 11g databases to be upgraded to 10.0 when using the 11g client.
- NIM058256 - The sde.sdexmltotext operator gets dropped and does not get recreated if upgrading packages in an oracle instance in which the operator already exists.
- NIM058275 - Enabling archiving on feature dataset causes "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into XML_KEY_COLUMN" error when posting changes to DEFAULT version.
- NIM058478 - The Sdeexport o create command results in a Ora-00933 error when the 'O' spatial index order is specified.
- NIM058506 - (Oracle) Potential memory over-write when detecting XML type.
- NIM058692 - Creating a new raster dataset with ArcCatalog using the SDO_Georaster keyword results in invalid SDO_Georaster metadata.
- NIM059721 - XmlColumnCreate fails with a -37 table not found error when the dbtune parameter XML_IDX_INDEX_TEXT has incorrect values. It should return the correct oracle error.
- NIM060026 - ArcCatalog crashes when connecting to geodatabase with server configuration parameter DISABLEDC set to TRUE
- NIM060032 - Add a new check release function to sde.version_user_ddl that returns true when the sde.version_user_ddl package is present.
- NIM060137 - User defined dbtune keyword with XML_COLUMN_STORAGE parameter set to DB_XML is not honored by ArcSDE.
- NIM060141 - In ArcSDE for Oracle11g, inserting or updating a row with DB XML columns could crash the gsrvr process.
- NIM060833 - Running a Select statement with a ST_Relate function, and the disjoint relationship string 'FF*FF****', set to false in the where clause can cause subsequent ST_Relate calls to return incorrect results.
- NIM060933 - Loading data multiple times in Oracle 11g 64 bit fails intermittently with ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value error.
Oracle Spatial
Oracle ST_Geometry
- NIM060349 - After upgrading an ArcSDE geodatabase for Oracle from version 9.2 to version 10, the ST_Distance, ST_Disjoint and ST_Centroid functions no longer work.
PostgreSQL Specific
- NIM053315 - Sdetable -o create_view command fails in PostgreSQL when a column is named with four or more Japanese characters.
- NIM059742 - Postgres: Creating a database name containing Unicode characters such as Chinese, Japanese, or French on a localized machine with a localized sde wizard results in unsuccessfull repository creation.
- NIM060037 - When using the dirty area manager for Network Datasets stored as st_geometry, nil shape processing is causing PostgreSQL to crash.
- NIM060038 - St_within function crashes the PostgreSQL instance.
- NIM060342 - Adding weights to a geometric network stored in PostgreSQL returns an error because SE_INT64_TYPE is not mapped to a supported geodatabase data type.
- NIM060344 - Querying a date field through Query Layers may fail to show the date component.
- NIM060823 - Postgres: Cannot parallel load mosaic datasets due to unique index violations on rasterbandid and rasterid columns. This occurs because I tables can provide the same value to multiple sessions.
SQL Server Specific
- NIM008688 - spatial views created from feature classes that have had their spatial references upgraded to high precision do not work.
- NIM056904 - ArcCatalog crashes when trying to import data with the attached XML doc (ExportedTransLinesAreasIndexed.xml) to SQL Express.
- NIM058050 - Allow registration of views using sdelayer -o register.
- NIM058241 - Edits made to a raster field of a versioned feature class by a user that was granted edit privileges do not persist after saving.
- NIM058317 - SQL Server Spatial Geometry type feature classes cannot be registered as versioned using direct connect when Windows Server using European locale.
- NIM059142 - Date fields created in SQL Server 2008 9.3.1 geodatabases by ArcGIS 10 clients (using direct connect) are inaccessible to 9.3.1 clients as they use the datetime2 type.
- NIM059178 - Unable to preview featureclasses on ArcSDE 9.3.1 geodatabase from new installation of ArcGIS 10 Client via direct connect.
- NIM060580 - When sdelayer -o register fails as a result of incorrect parameters being specified, it may leave an orphaned entry in the sde_table_registry system table.